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Endometriosis & Adenomyosis

Holistic Support really can make a difference to symptoms

Holistic Support for Endometriosis & Adenomyosis

We work exceptionally well with cases where endometriosis is part of the picture. The combination of acupuncture and visceral osteopathy has a powerful impact on endometriosis, and in most cases, that is all we need to transform a menstrual cycle. If we feel a case warrants an additional layer of support, we reach out to a Chinese Herbalist who specialises in working with endometriosis, and/or reach out to our network of incredible functional nutritionists for additional support.


In some cases, we help endometriosis clients achieve a healthy, natural pregnancy after many years of trying to conceive.


In some cases, we help endometriosis clients to prepare for IVF by improving their pain symptoms and reducing inflammation. 


In virtually all cases, we help people who have a painful, difficult menstrual cycle to achieve a much easier, healthier cycle.


In some cases, we find that endometriosis has been held up as the cause of infertility, and signs and symptoms of male infertility have been overlooked or ignored. 

Acupuncture Therapy Session
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